How To get A whole New Wardbrobe for under £200 - Part 1 Shoes

My Cheap wardrobe - Part 1 Shoes 

Hello my lovelies! I hope you are all having a great week or weekend! This is my first ever fashion post since I started turning my blog into fashion and travel! I really hope you enjoy. Recently I got a whole new wardrobe for under £200 - This includes shoes, bags, tops, trousers, dressers! and yes all for under £200. I managed to do this by going onto the website! this website is crazy! and yes! everything really is £5. I was lucky enough to get a even bigger bargain and got some items for only £2.50! I found this website from watching YouTube videos and I ordered some small items and when they came I was in love with the stuff I ordered more and more. I really hope you like this post and like the shoes I got.



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