Times 2 Escape

Hello my lovelies! I hope you are all well and having a great week of weekend. Today's post is going to be about a game called Time 2 Escape. So I my husband and couple of friends got invited to play at the Time 2 Escape a couple of days ago. We all had such a wonderful time I just had to do a blog post about this. I know some of my readers are from the USA so I’m not sure if you guys have this sort of thing over there. In the UK they have started be-coming very popular and not just for Halloween. I hope you enjoy this post now I can't tell you too much about the room we did as I don't want to give too much away for people who want to play but I have a few pictures. 

What Is Times 2 Escape?

So for people who have no idea what Time 2 Escape is or Escape Rooms I'm just going to give you a little idea. Times 2 Escape or any Escape room is literately what is says in the name, you have to Escape from a room. So the one I did we all had an hour to find clues and puzzles to Escape from a room that you are locked in. Now these clues and puzzles are very hard to find and you need to think a lot! Like mega brain power. Also team work is key to these game as you all need to work together to be able to escape. The game that we played was so much fun and the clues where so well planned out. We escaped with only 15 seconds to spear so very very close to not Escaping. I shall put some pictures below of us all playing this game. I don't want to say to much as I don't want to give any clues away.

So as you can see from this picture the room that we are in so well decorated! You really feel like you have stepped back in time and everything has been thought of. 

Thinking very hard in this pictures trying to sort a clue out to then find another clue. 

I myself had so much fun playing this game and I 100% want to do it again and will. I shall think Time 2 Escape Facebook page and website if anyone would like to play I 100% recommend.  

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I shall see you all again soon!





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  1. I loved this post sweety! The escape seemed very cool!

  2. great post dear. i really like the way your blog looks.
    i followed you and i hope that you'll follow me too.


  3. Hi! Great post and I love your photos!
    Can you follow me? I follow you. ;)

    Have a lovely day!
    Tsukiakari from murasakiiroanu.blogspot.com

  4. Replies
    1. omg! it was amazing ! defo should check it out :) thanks for the comment :)

  5. I totally want to try this! Great post x

    Anika | anikamay.co.uk

  6. That seems so cool!! I'll have to try it sometime!

    Meghan | www.prepsterinpearls.com

  7. i recently did my first escape room and all i thought afterwards was 'why the bloody hell havent i done that before?!'.

    aren't they sooo much fun!!

    cannot believe you only had 15 seconds left haha,i can only imagine what the mad scramble at the end must have been like!! i remember we almost verrryyy nearly had a huge family falling out during the one we did, lol. would love to do another!

    katie. xx lacoconoire.com

    1. omg! thats what i was thining! no idea why i have left it so late they are amazing and omg i was shacking haha was so so much fun! and oh no! we worked so well in a team was v ery lucky :) <3

  8. 15 seconds! You really cut it fine there! xx sounds like a fabulous experience though, very jealous as I normally love this sort of thing! x
    Marina xx

    1. omg I know right! we was so so lucky! so so much fun tho :D

  9. That sounds so fun!

  10. I've heard about it from my friends in Europe! I'm not sure we have them there in the US but it sure sounds fun!

    Happy Wednesday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

    1. yeah I don't think US have it yet! but someone should set it up! its amazing :)

  11. Great post


  12. Hah it must have been a great experience <3


  13. We had one just like this in my city. It closed down just before I had the opportunity to try it. I was really sad about it, it seemed really cool to try. Glad you had fun!

    Joy to the World

    1. oh no! omg :( it is so good why did it close:( that sucks! thanks for your comment <3

  14. Sounds like a cool and fun experience.


  15. Amazing post and so interesting. You have amazing blog dear, and I really like it.
    Maybe follow for follow? I'd love it.
    Let me to know on my blog. Hope you will visit me.

    1. omg thank you so much and yes ofc I shall follow you now <3 thanks for the comment

  16. I love playing escape room!


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